Paediatrics (Pediatrics)

Παιδιατρικό τμήμα

Saint Anastasios Clinic (Ayios Anastasios Clinic) offers specialized services in Paediatrics.
The clinic operates paediatric out-patient clinics on a daily basis. For an appointment please ring the clinic reception at 22764444, state the nature of the problem so that appropriate time is allocated for your child, and book an appointment.

Care for your child starts before your child is born. Our paediatrician often sees expectant mothers and offers them advice for the care of their child before delivery, so that when that important moment comes, they are ready. In our clinic we believe in preventive measures to minimize complications and problems. Our paediatrician can then also attend the delivery of your child in any clinic / private hospital in Nicosia, thus offering the best possible start for your child's health.

We believe that your child's medical care should not be a traumatic experience for the child or the parent. The paediatric department is designed to be a happy care-free place. We try to make sure that most of the children who visit us actually look forward to seeing their paediatrician.

The emphasis is on prevention of disease with the minimal medial intervention, wherever possible.

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